



  1. 背景(Background):在引言的开头,介绍研究领域的背景,突出该领域的重要性。阐明当前领域中的知识空白、争议或需要解决的问题。背景的范围取决于研究主题和读者。如果研究的主题是一个具体的问题,那么就要求读者有着较高的水平(知识),那就可以一笔带过。如果研究的问题是指导性的或者社会性的,那么从更一般的背景知识开始介绍。此外,背景有很多个,介绍最一般性的那个背景,或者说公众最容易接受的背景,而不是具体的细节或者领域名词。
  2. 研究问题和目的(Research Issues and Objectives):描述希望解决的问题,并阐述研究目的。确保研究问题是明确的、有针对性的,并能够为该领域做出贡献。
  3. 文献综述(Literature Review):简要回顾与研究相关的文献,强调前人研究的重要发现和不足之处。通过文献综述,突出研究是如何与已有研究相连接的。这里的文献综述是一个范的描述。主要有三个目的:认可同行这方面的工作;把整个领域的方法做个大框架,明确自己的定位;表明自己与同行的区别。有三种原则:时间顺序(政策等描述)、方法分组(例如基于迭代、基于优化)、一般到具体(例如FGSM和I-FGSM)
  4. 研究方法(Research Methods):简要介绍研究设计、实验方法或数据收集方法。确保读者能够理解研究是如何进行的,以及选择这些方法的理由。
  5. 重要性和贡献(Significance and Contributions):强调研究对该领域的重要性,并明确指出研究可能为学术界和实际应用带来的贡献。通常一段加几个小点。
  6. 结构概述(Outline of the Paper):总结整个论文的结构,以引导读者了解接下来的内容。


1. 时态


过去时/现在完成时:一般用于描述过去的工作。little attention has been paid to…表示到目前为止还是没有被关注

2. 句子连接

  • 重复(the apple)

  • 代词(it,they)

  • 抽象形式(this method,the system, these elements)

  • which

  • 连接词

2.1 原因

连接词/短语 解释
due to 表示某事是由于某个原因或原因。
on account of 表示因为某个原因或原因而发生的事情。
in view of 表示基于某种考虑,通常引导进一步解释或行动。
as 用于引导原因或解释,表达由于某个原因而发生的情况
because 表示直接原因,引导表明某事发生的原因。
since 表示自从某个时间点以来一直持续的原因或结果。

2.2 结果

连接词/短语 解释
therefore 由于前述原因,因此得出的逻辑结论。
consequently 作为先前情况或原因的直接结果。
hence 由于某个原因,因此产生了特定的结果。
as a result 由于之前提到的原因,发生了某个结果。
which is why 解释前述原因,为什么会出现某个结果。
so 表示前述情况的结果,常用于简洁地表达因果关系。

2.3 对比/转折

连接词/短语 解释
however 表示与前述观点或情况相对立的转折关系。
whereas 引导对比关系,强调两者之间的差异。
but 表示转折或对比,连接两个相对立的观点或情况。
on the other hand 表示对前述观点的反驳或对比,引入另一方面的情况。
while 引导对比,表达两个相对独立的观点或情况。
by contrast 用于强调对比,指出两个相对立的事物之间的显著差异。

2.4 未预期的

连接词/短语 解释
Although 引导让步状语从句,表示尽管有某种情况,但另一情况仍成立。(困难)
Even though 与 “although” 相似,表示尽管即使。(困难)
Though 与 “although” 类似,引导让步状语从句。(困难)
Despite 表示尽管存在某种情况,但另一方面情况仍然成立。(困难名词)
In spite of 与 “despite” 类似,表示尽管。(困难名词)
Regardless of 表示不论,不管某种情况,其他情况仍然成立。(困难名词)
Notwithstanding 用于引出让步状语从句,表示尽管。(困难名词)
Nevertheless 表示尽管如此,但还是引入一个相反的观点。(结果)
However 表示与前述观点或情况相对立的转折关系。(结果)
Yet 用于引导让步状语从句,表示与前述情况相反。(结果)
Nonetheless 表示尽管如此,引入一个相反的观点。(结果)
Even so 表示即使如此,仍然引入对比或转折关系。(结果)

Although it is difficult, we found the solution.

In spite of the difficulty, we found the solution.

It is difficult;Nevertheless we found the solution.

2.5 此外/更进一步

连接词/短语 解释
In addition 用于引入额外的信息,使句子更加丰富。
Moreover 表示引入更多的信息,强调前述观点之外的其他方面。
Furthermore 用于引出进一步的信息,强调前述观点的延伸。
Apart from that/which 表示除了前述之外,还有其他事实或观点。
Also 与 “in addition” 类似,用于表达额外的事实或观点。
Secondly (etc.) 用于列举一系列信息,表示第二点、第三点等。
In the second place (etc.) 与 “secondly” 相似,用于列举信息中的第二点、第三点等。
What is more 用于引入额外的信息,强调前述观点之外的其他方面。

3. 主被动问题

3.1 主动

在学术写作中,特别是在科学论文中,建议避免过多使用第一人称代词(如"I"和 “we”),以保持客观性和学术严谨性。然而,这并不意味着绝对不能使用第一人称代词,而是要根据具体情况来决定何时使用。

当研究是由一个研究团队或小组共同完成时,使用 “we” 是合适的。这有助于突出合作性质,并传达研究工作是集体努力的结果。

  • 例如: “In this study, we conducted experiments to investigate …”

平时的报告基本都是一个人单独完成的,因此会说不要用 “we”。这适用于那些个人研究、实验或观点的情况。

  • 例如: “In my analysis, I found that …”

此外,当描述一些被广泛接受的、公认的知识时,可以使用 “It is known/thought that …”。

  • 例如: “It is known that the Earth orbits the Sun.”

3.2 形式主语

  • This article / This paper / This section …

3.3 被动

  • As shown in Fig.1, …


1. 背景

词组 词组
(a) basic issue economically important
(a) central problem (has) focused (on)
(a) challenging area for a number of years
(a) classic feature for many years
(a) common issue frequent(ly)
(a) considerable number generally
(a) crucial issue (has been) extensively studied
(a) current problem importance/important
(a) dramatic increase many
(an) essential element most
(a) fundamental issue much study in recent years
(a) growth in popularity nowadays
(an) increasing number numerous investigations
(an) interesting field of great concern
(a) key technique of growing interest
(a) leading cause (of) often
(a) major issue one of the best-known
(a) popular method over the past ten years
(a) powerful tool/method play a key role (in)
(a) profitable technology play a major part (in)
(a) range (of) possible benefits
(a) rapid rise potential applications
(a) remarkable variety recent decades
(a) significant increase recent(ly)
(a) striking feature today
(a) useful method traditional(ly)
(a) vital aspect typical(ly)
(a) worthwhile study usually
(an) advantage well-documented
attracted much attention well-known
benefit/beneficial widely recognised
commercial interest widespread
during the past two decades worthwhile
  • Numerous experiments have established that
  • have generated considerable recent research interest.
  • Analysis of change in the … is vital for two important reasons: …
  • It is generally accepted that
  • Privacy are attracting widespread interest in fields such as …
  • The importance of … has been demonstrated by …
  • play an important role in the development of …
  • Much research in recent years has focused on

2. 介绍文献综述常用动词

动词 动词 动词
achieve adopt address
analyze apply argue
assume attempt calculate
categorize carry out choose
claim classify collect
compare concentrate (on) conclude
conduct confirm consider
construct correlate deal with
debate define demonstrate
describe design detect
determine develop discover
discuss enhance establish
estimate evaluate examine
explain explore extend
find focus on formulate
generate identify illustrate
implement imply improve
incorporate indicate interpret
introduce investigate measure
model monitor note
observe obtain overcome
perform point out prefer
predict present produce
propose prove provide
publish put forward realize
recognize recommend record
report request require
research resolve revise
review show simulate
solve state study
suggest support test
undertake use utilize

3. 文献综述中提出文献问题的词语

  • 单个描述
词语 词语
ambiguous computationally demanding
confused deficient
doubtful expensive
false far from perfect
ill-defined impractical
improbable inaccurate
inadequate incapable (of)
incompatible (with) incomplete
inconclusive inconsistent
inconvenient incorrect
(the) absence of (an) alternative approach
(a) challenge (a) defect
(a) difficulty (a) disadvantage
(a) drawback (an) error
(a) flaw (a) gap in our knowledge
(a) lack (a) limitation
(a) need for clarification (the) next step
no correlation (between) (an) obstacle
(a) problem (a) risk
(a) weakness ineffective
inefficient inferior
inflexible insufficient
meaningless misleading
non-existent not addressed
not apparent not dealt with
not repeatable not studied
not sufficiently + adjective not well understood
not/no longer useful of little value
over-simplistic poor
problematic questionable
redundant restricted
time-consuming unanswered
uncertain unclear
uneconomic unfounded
unlikely unnecessary
unproven unrealistic
unresolved unsatisfactory
unsolved unsuccessful
unsupported (to be) confined to
(to) demand clarification (to) disagree
(to) fail to (to) fall short of
(to) miscalculate (to) misjudge
(to) misunderstand (to) need to re-examine
(to) neglect (to) overlook
(to) remain unstudied (to) require clarification
(to) suffer (from)
  • 总体描述
表达 解释
Few studies have… 很少有研究…
It is necessary to… 有必要…
Little evidence is available 缺乏证据…
Little work has been done 进行的工作很少…
More work is needed 需要进行更多的工作…
There is growing concern 日益关注…
There is an urgent need… 急需…
This is not the case 情况并非如此…
Unfortunately 不幸的是…
  • Few researchers have addressed the problem of…
  • There remains a need for an efficient method that can…
  • The high absorbance makes this an impractical option in cases where…
  • Unfortunately, these methods do not always guarantee…
  • An alternative approach is necessary.
  • The function of these proteins remains unclear.
  • Although this approach improves performance, it results in an unacceptable number of…
  • Previous work has focused only on
  • However, the experimental configuration was far from optimal.


  • 目的
单词 搭配 搭配
aim Our aim is to do … The primary aim of … is …
goal Our overarching goal is … The ultimate goal of … is …
intention With the intention of improving …, we … The initial intention of … is …
objective Our specific objectives include … The main objective of … is …
purpose Our overarching purpose is to understand … The specific purpose of … is …
  • 修饰
常用修饰词 解析
able to 能够(表示能力或可能性)
accurate(ly) 准确的
effective(ly) 有效的
excellent results 出色的结果
innovation 创新
new 新的
novel method 新颖的方法
powerful 强大的
practical 实用的
simple 简单的
straightforward 直接的(搭配easy to follow)
successful 成功的
valuable 有价值的
  • 代词
常用代词 解析
(our) approach 我们的方法
(the) present work 当前的工作
(this) paper 本文
(this) project 本项目
(this) report 本报告
(this) section 本节
(this) study 本研究
(this) work 本工作
begin by/with 以…开始(用于开篇句)
close attention is paid to 强调对…的关注
here 在这里(用于指代本文的内容)
overview 概述、总览
  • 动词
常用动词 解析
(to) attempt 尝试
(to) compare 比较
(to) concentrate 集中(注意力、精力等)
(on) 在…上(用于与 “concentrate” 搭配)
(to) conclude 得出结论
(to) describe 描述
(to) discuss 讨论
(to) enable 使能够(提供可能性或机会)
(to) evaluate 评估
(to) expect 期望(预期发生)
(to) facilitate 促进、使便利
(to) illustrate 举例说明
(to) improve 改进
(to) manage to 设法、成功地
(to) minimise 最小化
(to) offer 提供
(to) outline 概述
(to) predict 预测
(to) present 展示、呈现
(to) propose 提出建议、提议
(to) provide 提供
(to) reveal 揭示、展示
(to) succeed 成功
  • This paper focuses on/introduces
  • The purpose of this study is to describe and examine
  • In order to …, we…
  • In this paper, we present/performed
  • The approach we have used in this study aims to…

5. 结构概述常用词

  • Section (节)
  • Chapter (章)
  • discuss 讨论 (一般用于Experiment)
  • compare 对比 (一般用于Related Work)
  • analyze 分析 (一般用于Experiment)
  • describe 描述 (一般用于Method)
  • This paper is organized as follows:…
  • (is) set out as follows:
  • (is/are) presented in detail

文章作者: JiJunhao
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特別声明外,均采用 CC BY 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来源 JiJunhao !