



  • 实验(Experiments):为了验证提出方法的有效性,阐明实验设计、环境以及作用
  • 结果(Results):呈现实验中获得的数据和观察结果。在大多数情况下,结果以图、表的形式给出。
  • 分析(Analysis):对实验结果进行解释和深入探讨,阐明数据的意义和趋势
  • 讨论(Discussions):对实验结果和分析的进一步探讨,相比于前人的工作的优势和劣势
  • 总结(Conclusions):对整个研究进行概括,强调研究的主要发现、结论和贡献



1. 建立与方法的联系

  • As discussed previously, …
  • As mentioned earlier/before, …
  • As outlined in the introduction, …
  • As reported, …
  • In order to …, we examined …
  • It is important to reiterate that …
  • It is known from the literature that …
  • It was predicted that …
  • It was suggested in the Introduction that …
  • Our aim/purpose/intention was to …
  • Since/because …, we investigated …
  • the aforementioned theory/aim/prediction etc.
  • The main purpose of this work was to …
  • To investigate …, we needed to …
  • We reasoned/predicted that …

2. 结果的总体概括


  • Generally speaking, …
  • In general, …
  • In most/all cases, …
  • In the main, …
  • In this section, we compare/evaluate/present …
  • It is apparent that in all/most/the majority of cases, …
  • It is evident from the results that …
  • On the whole, …
  • The overall response was …
  • The results are divided into two parts as follows: …
  • Using the method described above, we obtained …

3. 展示结果


  • As detailed/indicated/listed/present/shown/summarised in Fig. 1, …
  • As illustrated by Fig. 1, …
  • As can be seen from/in* Fig.1, …
  • … can be found in Fig.1
  • … can be identified from/in Fig.1
  • … can be observed in Fig. 1
  • … can be seen from/in Figure 1
  • Comparing Figs. 1 and 4 shows that …
  • Data in Fig. 1 suggest/indicate that …
  • … displayed in Fig. 1
  • From Fig. 1 it can be seen that …
  • Inspection of Fig. 1 indicates …
  • … is/are given in Fig.1
  • … is/are represented (etc.) in
  • … is/are visible in Fig. 1
  • In Fig. 1 we compare/present …
  • Results are given in Fig.1.
  • we observe from Fig. 1 that …


  • contains
  • corresponds (to)
  • demonstrates
  • displays
  • gives
  • illustrates
  • lists
  • plots
  • presents
  • provides
  • reports
  • represents
  • reveals
  • shows
  • summarises

4. 结果分析

  • 客观评价
第一列 第二列 第三列
accelerated be constant matched
all be different none
changed be equal occurred
declined be found peaked
decreased be higher preceded
delayed be highest produced
dropped be identical reduced
existed be lower remained constant
expanded be present remained the same
fell be seen rose
found be unaffected solely
increased be unchanged varied
  • 主观评价
第一列 第二列 第三列
abundant(ly) imperceptible(ibly) remarkable(ably)
acceptable(ably) important(ly) resembling
adequate(ly) in particular, satisfactory
almost in principle scarce(ly)
appreciable(ably) inadequate serious(ly)
appropriate(ly) interesting(ly), severe(ly)
brief/(ly) it appears that sharp(ly)
clear(ly) large(ly) significant(ly)
comparable (ably) likelihood similar
considerable(ably) low simple(ply)
consistent(ly) main(ly) smooth(ly)
distinct(ly) marked(ly) somewhat
dominant(ly) measurable(ably) steep(ly)
dramatic(ally) mild(ly) striking(ly)
drastic(ally) minimal(ly) strong(ly)
equivalent more or less substantial(ly)
essential(ly) most(ly) sudden(ly)
excellent negligible(ibly) sufficient(ly)
excessive(ly) noticeable(ably) suitable(ably)
exceptional(ly) obvious(ly) surprising(ly)
extensive(ly) only tendency
extreme(ly) overwhelming(ly) the majority of
fair(ly) poor(ly) too + adjective
few powerful(ly) unexpected(ly)
general(ly) quick(ly) unusual(ly)
good radical(ly) valuable
high(ly) rapid(ly) very
immense(ly) virtual(ly)

5. 与其他研究结果的比较

  • 定量的分析(Quantitative Analysis)

  • 定性分析(Qualitative Analysis)


第一列 第二列
as anticipated is/are better than
as expected, is/are in good agreement
as predicted by… is/are identical (to)
as reported by… is/are not dissimilar (to)
compare well with is/are parallel (to)
concur is/are similar (to)
confirm is/are unlike
consistent with match
contrary to prove
corroborate refute
correlate reinforce
disprove support
inconsistent with validate
in line with verify

6. 结果中存在的问题

  • 弱化问题并展示好的结果
短语 解释
(a) preliminary attempt 这是一项初步尝试
despite this, 尽管如此,
however, 然而,
immaterial 不重要的,无关紧要的
incomplete 不完整的,未完成的
infinitesimal 极小的,微不足道的
insignificant 不重要的,微不足道的
less than ideal 不理想的,不完美的
less than perfect 不完美的,不理想的
(a) minor deficit/limitation (一项)轻微的缺陷/限制,小瑕疵
negligible 可忽略的,微不足道的
nevertheless 尽管如此,然而
not always reliable 不总是可靠的
not always accurate 不总是准确的
not ideal 不理想的
not identical 不相同的
not completely clear 不完全清晰的
not perfect 不完美的
not precise 不精确的
not significant 不显著的,不重要的
of no consequence 毫不重要,毫无意义
of no/little significance 毫不重要,意义不大
only 仅仅,只是
reasonable results were obtained 获得了合理的结果
room for improvement 有改进的空间
slightly (disappointing) 稍微令人失望的
(a) slight mismatch/limitation (一项)轻微的不匹配/限制,小瑕疵
somewhat (problematic) 有些问题的,有点棘手的
(a) technicality (一项)技术细节,技术难题
unimportant 不重要的,微不足道的
  • 给出问题的原因
短语 解释
may/could/might have been
was/were: 是/是(过去时)
beyond the scope of this study 超出了本研究的范围
caused by 由…引起
difficult to (simulate) 难以(模拟)
due to 由于,因为
hard to (control) 难以(控制)
inevitable 不可避免的
it should be noted that… 应该注意的是…
not attempted 没有尝试过
not examined 没有被检查
not explored in this study 在本研究中没有被探讨
not investigated 没有被调查
not the focus of this paper 不是本文的重点
not within the scope of this study 不在本研究的范围内
possible source(s) of error 可能的误差来源(s)
unavoidable 不可避免的
unexpected 意外的
unfortunately 不幸的,遗憾的
unpredictable 不可预测的
unworkable 行不通的,无法实现的
unavailable 不可获得的
  • 提供解决方案

Future Work一般不写。有两种情况写:1)审稿人给出意见说有问题,解决不了写;2)自己认为工作存在一定的问题写

短语 解释
Further work is planned 已计划进一步工作
Future work should… 未来的工作应该…
Future work will… 未来的工作将…
In future, care should be taken 未来,应当谨慎
In future, it is advised that… 未来,建议…

7. 结果的影响

第一列 第二列
apparently It is logical that
could be due to It is thought/believed that
could be explained by It seems that
could account for It seems plausible (etc.) that
could be attributed to likely
could be interpreted as could/may/might/can
could be seen as means that
evidently perhaps
imply/implies that possibly/possibility
indicate/indicating that potentially
in some circumstances presumably
is owing to probably
is/are associated with provide compelling evidence
is/are likely seem to
is/are linked to suggest(ing) that
is/are related to support the idea that
It appears that tend to
It could be concluded that… tendency
It could be inferred that unlikely
It could be speculated that There is evidence for
It could be assumed that We could infer that
It is conceivable that We have confidence that
It is evident that would seem to suggest/indicate

文章作者: JiJunhao
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特別声明外,均采用 CC BY 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来源 JiJunhao !